The Mighty Mitch Story
It all started late one foggy Christmas eve. The toys and presents were packed into Santa’s bulging sleigh. The deer were waking from their long pre-trip naps. As Santa donned his warmest coat and boots they heard the first achoo. Everyone was set and ready to go but one red nosed runny eyed reindeer had a terrible cold. No one else in the stable was able to cast the light needed for the thick foggy night. “Oh my” cried Santa, “I am afraid we need to leave you at home but we will need every lantern and candle we have to cut through this fog.” Then coming forward from the dark of the night, a little snowman named Mitch arrived with his nose shining bright. “I can help you Santa” little Mitch squealed. Santa laughed and the elves all followed with cheers. Not able to canter and too small for the reins, they decided to strap him to the front of the sleigh. Mitch was smiling and his nose seemed to cast an even broader light as they quickly took off and soon were out of sight. Arriving home just before dawn the tired group lead by Mitch was singing carols. Everyone applauded and gave little Mitch laurels. On the following day Santa decreed that Mitch was now to be called Mighty Mitch and everyone heartily agreed.