The Dino Story
Dino was born with small wings, that flapped and fluttered,
until the day they started to whir, halt and sputter,
and eventually stopped working altogether.
Dino’s long tail and large round bottom,
helped to soften any rough landings,
but were also the attributes that kept him grounded.
Indeed the plausibility of Dino’s flying defied all sensibilities,
based on the size of his wings, his weight and the principles of gravity.
The wing malfunction was a concern to Dino’s loving mother,
but Dino simply shrugged and said “No matter,”
for flying was not what made Dino’s heart go pitter patter.
This leaf green, spotted and perfectly pear shaped dragon,
found his calling in another passion.
Dino had a proclivity for a certain non-airborne activity.
By lifting and flexing his brain in the library for days,
Dino developed an exceptional mental strength and weight.
No one could keep up with his voracious pace.
Within each book’s text was where he flew and drew figure 8s.
At the beginning, middle and end of chapters was where he played,
so in the library was where he stayed.