The Constance Story
Constance was a petite turtle,
and while she was much smaller than the rest of her bale,
she stood out because of the unusual markings on her shell.
She was often referred to as “ the other”,
by turtles who could not see beyond their common covers.
but she did not allow this to get her down,
in fact, our heroine never once frowned.
Some days her eyes might swell,
but she would shake it off and refused to dwell,
knowing in time all would be well.
Since she was wee she knew was special,
and each night her parents would lovingly retell,
the story of the tortoise and the hare,
when a steady course and persistence had prevailed.
Soon Constance grew into her name,
and the markings on her back grew,
forming flowers in various shades of coral on blue.
Then Constance became the height of fashion,
suddenly “the other” look was everyone’s passion.
There were look-alikes and wannabes galore,
henna and stencil sales soared,
everyone wanted what Constance had always worn.
Despite all the hoopla Constance stayed true to herself,
aiding and inspiring all “the others” that needed some help.
Now you know her story and you can pass it on,
to everyone that feels a bit down or alone.
Keep steadfast with your kindness and grace,
embrace yourself and all your uniqueness,
and everything will eventually fall into place!